Iria Arenas
Iria Arenas
Trascending Canvases ft. Olympia
Project/Residency Timeframe:
27.05.24 - 9.06.2024
"Transcending Canvases ft. Olympia" is a solo performance that reimagines Édouard Manet's iconic painting, "Olympia," in a contemporary context. Drawing inspiration from Professor David J. Getsy's essay, "How to Teach Manet's Olympia after Transgender Studies," this multidisciplinary work combines dance, visual art, and personal storytelling to challenge and reframe perceptions of gender identity and body image in Western art history. The performance employs House Dance, a style that originated in the underground clubs of Chicago and New York in the late 70s and early 80s. Known for its diversity and emphasis on self-expression, House Dance provides a dynamic and engaging framework to explore and confront stereotypes surrounding the body. By blending movement and narrative, "Transcending Canvases ft. Olympia" invites audiences to reconsider their views on the human body and identity. Just as Manet's "Olympia" provoked thought in the 19th century, this performance aims to question and transform contemporary social norms, offering a transformative and inspiring experience.
Concept, Performance & Lighting Design: Iria Arenas
Choreography & Co-Creation: Aura Antikainen
2023. Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR. With the kind support of the Kulturamt der Stadt Kassel.
2024. Funded by the European Union and the Goethe-Institut.
2024. Supported by the City of Espoo Culture Committee.
Other performances
May 2024. Hällä-näyttämö. Tanssivirtaa Tampereella. Tampere, FI
April 2023. Studiobühne, Kulturhaus Dock 4. Kassel, DE
April 2023. Studiobühne, Kulturhaus Dock 4. Kassel, DE